Why is a full-body massage bliss? It is because body massage takes you in an ultimate state of relaxation. But it also brings your mind fully alert and active as well.
When particular parts of your body are stimulated in a particular manner, the nervous system gets stimulated in a positive manner. Your muscles wake up and organs and glands get a soothing feeling.
When blood and lymph fluid flows, your body releases a load of hormones and chemicals to make you fresh.
What are the healing properties of a full body massage?
It gives you refreshed skinWhen special massage oils with therapeutic properties are applied to the skin, it gets rejuvenated. Due to gentle exfoliation, new skin cells emerge and there is a special glow on the skin.
Total relaxationYour nervous system goes in the state of complete rest and digest mode when a therapist gives massage.
Massage is a pain reliever. Are there any areas of pain or tension? If yes, then you will get immense relief after the session. It happens because your body produces endorphins and due to that, stress hormones like corticosteroids decrease.
All “good hormones” that regulate the menstrual cycle, sleep/wake cycle, blood sugar level, and immune cells react positively to massage and bring complete relaxation.
Musculoskeletal benefitsOur muscular system is unique and special. They are like a sponge. When the muscles get contracted, blood and lymph fluid come out. When the muscles get relaxed, fresh blood enters with a lot of nutrition, immune cells, and oxygen.
Your therapist knows how to relax the muscles and bring the best benefit to you.
He mobilizes the joints and puts beneficial tension on specific parts of the body. Your muscles, ligaments, and tendons get relaxed.
Improved bone healthMany people think that bones in the body do not have any blood supply. But they also have a blood supply in reality.
Hence, massage gets the same benefit to the bones as muscles do. Since blood flow also supplies minerals and calcium, your bones receive strength and stability.
Thus, massage is good for bone health also.
Better heart healthA full-body massage is good for the health of your heart also. The entire cardiovascular system gets relaxation. The health of your heart improves due to the complete relaxation of the cardiovascular system after a soothing massage.
Your heart rate and blood pressure both get regulated. You feel calm and stress-free.
Improved digestionWhen a mind is stressed, your digestive system gets the maximum impact. A full-body massage has a great effect on your digestive system.
A classic massage also includes abdominal massage. It acts on the large intestine to regulate the digestion system.
To ensure optimum absorption of nutrients, the food should move smoothly through the digestive system.
ConclusionWe have seen that body massage brings holistic improvement in the body. It relaxes the mind and makes you comfortable and gives an amazing healing experience.
Therefore, it is all the more important to get it from an expert.